Membership Disclaimer
Welcome to our Terms of Use page!
When becoming a member of this website, you affirm that you have Read, understood and accepted on behalf of yourself and all others associated with your membership, the Membership Rules Listed below. You also release the West Michigan Walleye Club, MUCC, officers, and sponsors from any and all injuries, death, damage, liability, theft, fire, or any loss occurring at events or meetings. You also, on behalf of yourself and all others associated with your membership agreed to comply with all West Michigan Walleye Club Rules.
Membership Rules
1. Membership is available to anyone 18 years of age or older. Membership is #37.00 per year (January 1st thru December 31 of the current year - no matter when you sign up). Junior Members are defined as being under the age of 18 at the time of your membership purchase. Spouse or college student (living at home when not in college - ages 18-23) are an additional $5.00 each. If your choild is over the age of 18 and not going to college, they need to join separately.

2. Memberships are from Jan 1st thru December 31st of the current year regardless of when you sign up.

3. All boats fishing tournaments need to have a working Marine Band Radio in the boat while fishing.

4. No Alcoholic beverages on the boat during tournament times.

WMWC Tournament Rules
  • State and local fishing regulations apply at all times. A 15 inch size limit is in effect on all bodies of water. Fish not reaching 15 inches on the club ruler will result in an AUTOMATIC DISQUALIFICATION.
  • At each tourney, you MUST leave and arrive via water (no trailering to another launch) at the designated launch site. Anyone coming to the launch via water may be subject to a live well inspection. On tournament days, members must stay off the tournament waters from 12:01 AM until the start of the tournament, except to navigate to a launch ramp or lodging facility with permission from a board member.
  • It is necessary to sign in and get a boat board at each tournament. Club members doing the sign in will stop issuing boat boards 15 minutes before the take off time at each tournament. Please be on time to launch. If you are late, please contact a board member by phone or on channel 68 to tell someone you have arrived late and plan to fish the contest.
  • Members will be able to launch their boats and leave the designated area when released by a WMWC official via channel 68 on the marine radio 30 minutes before the start of most tournaments. Fishing cannot begin until the designated start time of the tournament. Anyone starting before the designated start time will result in an AUTOMATIC DISQUALIFICATION.
  • Only five (5) fish can be weighed in per boat at all tournaments. Each boat may have in their livewell the legal limit for the body of water being fished but choose the best five to weigh. Each angler in the boat will be awarded the total weight of the five fish weighed in.
  • Boat boards must be turned in to the tournament officials at the weigh in to receive your 10 show points. Each team member must be present at the start and finish of the tournament to be eligible for points, unless approved by a board member.
  • Members fishing with non-members will not be allowed to record the weight of their fish. The result will be an AUTOMATIC DISQUALIFICATION.
  • Anyone coming in after the designated check in time may be disqualified. The decision on this will by made by the board members.
  • NO alcoholic beverages or cannabis are allowed during any part of the tournament including the weigh in.
  • If a team plans on fishing an area requiring a long boat run, they are encouraged to write on the registration card where they are going. This is for the safety of the members and gives us an idea where to start looking should you not return to the weigh in.
  • All members are encouraged to wear a life jacket when running above no wake speed.
  • All boats must be equipped with a working marine radio. You will not be able to fish the tournament without one.
  • No pre-fishing the day of the tournament.
WMWC Weather Prodedures For Tournament Days
Small Craft Advisory:
If a small craft advisory has been issued before the tournament starts, the tourney starts at the normal time. If during the tourney a small craft or severe weather warning is issued the Board may cancel the tournament. ALL boats must monitor channel 68 in case of a cancellation. There will be no weigh in if this happens.
Small Craft Warning:
If a Small Craft Warning has been issued before the start of the tournament, the tournament is cancelled.